The best thing about our company is our unique culture.
As we grow as a company, we don’t want to lose that culture, and we want a way to share it with all employees and anyone else who meets us.

We created these norms and values to more clearly define what exactly our culture is. They are reflected in everything we do and every interaction we have. Our core values are the framework on which we base all our decisions.
When searching for potential employees, we’re looking for people who both understand the need for these core values and are willing to embrace and embody them. To help us along, every day, in every situation we ask ourselves:
"What would Bennie the owl do?"
Extremely helpful
Bennie, intrinsically, wants to help people. But ‘just’ helping to Bennie is not enough, he wants to do things above
and beyond of what’s expected and by doing so create
an emotional impact on the receiver. We are no average company nor are our websites, that’s why Bennie doesn’t want to have average colleagues either. -
Great sense of justice
Bennie can’t stand injustice. The proverb “who does good things to others, will receive good things in return” is wonderfully suited to Bennie.
Being straightforward and respectful
Bennie is a very straightforward yet respectful owl who shares his opinion and advice with those surrounding him without having a hidden agenda. “What you see is what you get”. For this, Bennie the wise owl, receives a lot of respect.
Modest & unpretentious
Bennie feels no better than his college owls nor the people he helps. Bennie doesn’t look down on anybody. Of course, Bennie is proud on all he accomplishes yet he will never brag about this.

Create fun and creativity
Bennie doesn’t want to work for one of those big companies that feels corporate and boring. Bennie and his colleagues want to be able to laugh at themselves, he is looking for both fun and humour in his daily work. This means that many things Bennie does might be a little unconventional. Our company culture is what makes us successful, we embrace our international diversity and each person’s individuality. Bennie believes that we function best when we can truly be ourselves. One of the side effects is that this encourages our owls to think outside the box and be more innovative.
Pursue growth and learning
Bennie constantly challenges and stretches himself not to be stuck in a job where he doesn’t feel like he is growing or learning. Bennie believes that inside everyone is more potential than even they self-realise. Bennies goal is to help colleagues unlock that potential. He does however believe this must be a joint effort: you must want to stretch and challenge yourself to grow and learn. If you are growing, we are growing too.
Determined to make a difference
Bennie values determination, passion and perseverance. Bennie doesn’t take “no” or “that won’t fly” for an answer because if Bennie had, we would never be where we are today. Determination is contagious. Bennie believes in having a pro-active positive attitude towards everything he does as he realizes that this inspires others to have the same attitude.