About us
We are a team of passionate people, working across two countries (Holland and Finland). Being a passionate and committed team, we spend a lot of time working together, but we also make sure to have fun! We celebrate every success and milestone together as a team.
Our company has a flat structure, no-nonsense culture and our employees share passion and drive for our profession. We are the first comparison website in the Netherlands and have over more than 25 years of experience. Do we feel old? No, not at all. Our team consists of young professionals who feel at home in the online e-commerce world.
Whether you have many years' experience, you’re a curious student or an ambitious graduate, our opportunities offer meaningful development while working alongside some of the best minds in the market.
Pursue growth and learning are part of our core values. They are essential and are the framework on which we base all our decisions. As we grow as a company we don't want to lose our values, we want to share it with all our employees and anyone who meets us.
Important values for us
We, intrinsically, want to help people. But ‘just’ helping is not enough, we want to do things above
and beyond of what’s expected and by doing so create an emotional impact on the receiver. We are no average company nor are our websites, that’s why we doesn’t want to have average colleagues either. -
We can’t stand injustice. The proverb “who does good things to others, will receive good things in return” is wonderfully suited to us.
We are very straightforward yet respectful, we'll shares our opinion and advice with those surrounding us without having a hidden agenda. “What you see is what you get”.
We feel no better than our colleagues nor the people we help. We don’t look down on anybody. Of course, we are proud on all our accomplishes yet he will never brag about this.
We don’t want to work for one of those big companies that feels corporate and boring. We want to be able to laugh at themselves, we're looking for both fun and humour in his daily work. This means that many things we do might be a little unconventional. Our company culture is what makes us successful, we embrace our international diversity and each person’s individuality. We believe that we function best when we can truly be ourselves. One of the side effects is that this encourages our colleagues to think outside the box and be more innovative.
We constantly challenges and stretches ourself not to be stuck in a our job where we doesn’t feel like we're growing or learning. We believes that inside everyone is more potential than even they self-realise. Our goal is to help colleagues unlock that potential. We do however believe this must be a joint effort: you must want to stretch and challenge yourself to grow and learn. If you are growing, we are growing too.
We value determination, passion and perseverance. We don’t take “no” or “that won’t fly” for an answer. Determination is contagious. We believe in having a pro-active positive attitude towards everything we do realize that this inspires others to have the same attitude.
Our history
Vergelijk.nl was founded in 1999 by Ben Kerkhof, Jean Paul Soethout and Tjibbe de Jong and was the first price comparison website in the Netherlands.
In 2000, Vergelijk.nl co-founder Ben Kerkhof started Vertaa.fi, Finland. Business was expanded to Belgium in 2002 with the start of Vergelijk.be and in 2006 Vergelijk.nl acquired Dutch competitor ElCheapo.nl.
In September 2021 Compare Group launched a new CSS in Germany named ElCheapo.de (rebranded to BesteKauf.de in August 2022). Eleven months after the launch of Bestekauf.de Compare Group entered the Swedish market with its new CSS Varusök.se continuing its European expansion.
Currently Operational CSS websites
🇳🇱 Vergelijk.nl
🇧🇪 Vergelijk.be
🇫🇷 Comparer.be
🇫🇮 Vertaa.fi
🇩🇪 BesteKauf.de
🇸🇪 Varusök.se
So the final question: are you going to be part of our history?